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[TUTORIAL] Cara selesaikan 'not registered to any network' utk S3 I9300 (4.1.2)

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[TUTORIAL] Cara selesaikan 'not registered to any network' utk S3 I9300 (4.1.2) Empty [TUTORIAL] Cara selesaikan 'not registered to any network' utk S3 I9300 (4.1.2)

Post by Moose Sat Jul 11, 2015 4:03 am

Masalah tidak dpt detect sim dlm stock firmware I9300 (walaupun imei ada)

Barang2 yg diperlukan:
1. PC/Laptop
2. CWM recovery. Download link: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
3. Modem (Download dua2 link):
a) Modem XXDME4: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
b) Modem DDEMG2: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Jom mulakan.

1. Download dr 3 link d atas.
2. Enable USB debuggin d hp
3. Masuk Odin, di bahagian AP @ PDA, masukkan 'recovery-clockwork-touch-'
4. Off hp, masuk dalam download mode (home button + power button + volume down) pastu tekan volume up utk continue.
5. Connect hp ke pc. Odin sdh detect, akan keluar command 'ADDED', tekan start. Selesai flash CWM, hp akan restart sendiri.
6. Copy kedua2 modem td (XXDME4 dan DDEMG2) ke dlm memory hp.
7. Off hp, masuk dalam CWM recovery mode (home button + power button + volume up). Tekan sampai keluar model hp, then lepas button tu semua.
8. Di CWM, tekan 'Install ZIP' -> 'Choose ZIP from SDcard' -> locate balik kedua2 modem yg dimasukkan td.
9. Install XXDME4 dahulu, kemudian install DDEMG2.
10. Selesai intsall kedua2 zip, tekan reboot. SIAP!

By: AH Bundle | Muhd. Izzan

Posts : 23
Join date : 2015-07-11
Location : infront you!

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